This one really won't do at all. The dress is too old fashioned and the hair won't work for important parts of the story but a few things are starting to take shape. Like all cool girls I've ever known, she'll be rockin' a pair of Chucks. I also like the idea of her having an Evil Dead lunch box. Hmm...possibly Dino Riders. Gotta play that one by ear.
I really do hope I capture this level of excitement and wildness in the final design though. I've already cast Henri as the father so making the designs match up is gonna be bit of wackiness too but also a lot of fun.
I'll go into the story later. It's actually a really sweet father and daughter story. Kind of like Father and Daughter....but with chainsaws, nonsensical humor and less brilliant. No, all kidding aside there is a good amount of heart and heartwarminess to this tale. Actually, for the first time in a long time I'm more excited about the interaction of the characters than the overall gag. In fact, if this whole chainsaw thing starts feeling too violent I've got a backup plan in place. Can you say Big Wheels!!! We'll see how it feels in a few days.
But yeah, the characters and who they are is what's really driving me to put the hours in on this thing. Being able to make people connect with characters and feel life's experiences through them is what makes a story worth telling. It's how you create something that actually sticks with people; something folks will remember for more than 20 minutes after seeing it. If you're not interested in that I hear they have some openings over at Family Guy.
V animated!
Sounds like a great concept Will be great to see it. Some real nice sketches on this blog. Thanks for the visit.
Wooooo! I love when people are super excited about their ideas!! Go for it, Matt!
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