Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Tourist...

So, I was just screwing around at the 'ol coffee shop. I should have been observing life but I started just playing with some shapes and this little guy magically appeared.

He started as a study for one of the quiet, yet intimidating gentlemen who run the children's chainsaw fighting league. Look for him to make an appearance in the main project. He won't be doing that much speaking but as we all know even supporting characters have a greater presence when they have a rich, full, overcomplicated back story. So, here goes.

He's this little German guy and he goes around the world in the guise of a common tourist; quiet, polite and gentlemanly. The kind of guy you'd like to have show up and gawk at your culture or patronize you. Little do folks know he is a world class safe-cracker. I dunno, what's better: international, all-star jewel thief or international, all-star art thief? Either way, he consistently gets his disguises wrong: a poncho in South Korea, kimonos in Australia...y'know...comedy gold?!

The audience loves a slow thinker and someone who is clearly out of their element yet seems really confident and pleased with himself.

Also, it seems like he is haunted by a gentleman in a top hat who doesn't approve of his mischief.


Katy Hargrove said...

That is a really nice drawing and a tight design Matt!

Matt said...

I just realized my current story needs a bunch of critters that are normally cute and adorable...but in my little short they need to be viscous and awful. So I dunno...baby ducks, hamsters?

Katy is now in charge of reminding me of this as production draws near.

Anonymous said...

Great image...you have lots of great work here on your blog.

Thanks for the comment as well.

Neverrated said...

your stuff is awesome man, keep postin!

Unknown said...

Hey Man, I just want say I am really digging your recent sketches. Awesome as always!

Mia said...

Lovin' the sketches, Matt-they're awesome! =)

Anonymous said...

Wow, Matt, I love that sketch!! It's fab!!

Alexiev said...

Good Artpen... I love style...

Best wishes from Buenos Aires...

Alexiev Store

Anonymous said...

Great drawing!

Thanks for the comment on my site.

Anonymous said...

Sup Matt! Cool sketches mano!