Look how happy she is!!! She loves her starter chain saw.
Hmmm....are braces endearing or just a pain to draw 40 or 50 times a day? We shall see.

This here is a little closer to drab when what I think I'm really looking for is the heavier, Hairspray-esque mom who just looks like she's built to freak out over every little thing.
Wait?! Is it funnier if nothing effects her after the first two or three terrible shocks to the system? Maybe she turns to alcohol or pills to deal with her clearly disturbed husband and child! Hmm...for a cartoony short the most you can show is a swig of whiskey now and then. Remember booze = funny...pills = not funny. Plus, it's easier to make someone taking a swig out of a bottle read as opposed to popping pills. No insert shots listing Valium or the like.
And finally, to finish off this post: my homeslice Bobby Pontillas has done a really great write up on the incredible drawings Nico Marlet did for Kung-Fu Panda. Check it out.
I too am diggin the button nose, and the fact that shes kind of zombie colored. I love that Mom seems indifferent to her daughter taking an interest in competitive chainsaw.....ing. What will it take for you to bat an eyelash?!
Anyway, I'm glad that you can revel in the supermacy that is Nico Marlet with me. I'm not tryin to drink his bath water, although that might not be such a bad idea. Its probably even "well designed"!
hahah...I love the chainsaw!! Great character & visual..cute, yet strangely fearsome! Also..I LOVE the 59` alpha romero sketch! Awesome.
Great job dude.
Awesome protagonist! I can't wait to see more of her story...especially with that chainsaw. Is this going to be 2d animated?
I also love the Mom's expression. I can see a lot of potential with those extreme reactions. Your lines are so organic.
Looking forward to how your short develops. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Hahahahah...very funny! Cool blog dude!
Francisco Martins
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